<% Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & server.MapPath("/mdb-database/dbsienaatavola.mdb") %> Siena a tavola
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This section of Sienaatavola is due to create a space for all the people that wish to married in the splendid Tuscany.
Tuscany is not only famous for its cities of arts, its history but also for its natural landscapes , the Tuscany countryside is a very natural enviroment where the age-long, human presence has shaped the outlined of hills.
Solitary farm houses, mediaeval villages, rows of wines, olives trees , cypresses: this is Tuscany country, and also for all these reasons here You can officiate a splendid wedding …." The most important day of your life".
Inside this area you can find all the information that you need with the web location of specialized firms,to help you to prepare this marvelous day.

Abbigliamento A.Castelnuovo

Address: Via Banchi di Sopra 55/57 53100 Siena

Tel: +39 0577.46100

Fax: +39 0577.228126

Web Location: www.e-shopagain.com

E-mail: castelnuovo@paginesi.it

La Cerimonia

Address: Via del Porrione, 22 53100 Siena

Tel: +39 0577.41216

Fax: +39 0577.41216

Web Location: www.lacerimonia.it

E-mail: info@lacerimonia.it

Restaurant Palace Hotel Due Ponti



Indirizzo: Viale Europa 12 - 53100 Siena

Tel: +39 0577.46055

Fax: +39 0577.247907

Web Location: www.palacehoteldueponti.com

E-mail: info@palacehoteldueponti.com

Prodotti Tipici
Tour Interattivi
In questa sezione avrete la possibilità di effettuare delle visite virtuali delle zone più significative della provincia di Siena.
Alcune cartine utili della provincia di Siena
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Immagine proveniente da METEO FRANCE con 4 aggiornamenti quotidiani


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