<% Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & server.MapPath("/mdb-database/dbsienaatavolauk.mdb") %> Siena a tavola

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Typical Products
Typical Cakes
Means of Transportation
Art and Cultural
Il Duomo
Il Museo civico
Le Papesse
Santa Maria della Scala
Useful Links
Meteo Italia
Comune di Siena
Siena Parcheggi
Siena News

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Restaurants Farm Houses Hotels Wine Cellars Typical Products
First Rate :Last minute service !
Is now available for all the user of "Sienaatavola" the last minute service of all the travel agencies , with the chance to reserve on -line .
Thank to our staff this service will be improve every day, and it will allow to have a constant point of reference on the last minute world.

Wedding in Tuscany

Is now available this particular section in our dedicated to all the people that want to get married in the splendid scenes of Tuscany.
Inside our web location "Wedding in Tuscany" you will find all that you need for your splendid Wedding day, with some display windows dedicated to : photographers, florists, list weddings , caterings and many other categories to celebrate in the better way this important date in Tuscany .

House in Tuscany
This section is born to offer to anyone visits tghi site the possibility to find the house of the own dreams in earth of Tuscany.You can find a graet number of agencies that help you to realize your dream.
Virtual journey in Tuscany

The "show-case" of our customers.

Absolute innovation for a turist Web portal is the combining of cultural routes and eno-gastronomic itineraries.
During the cultural routes guest can has the possibility to access to the Window display of our customers, totally with an animate and interactive way.

Sienaatavola is also a great opportunity for ever y company to promote the own image, thanks to the display windows that our staff realize and insert in "Sienaa tavola".
Every display windows is composed of three pages, where guests can find the activity of the company. Our customer can use also a quarter page where through a protected area the company cuold insert the prices list automatically up-to date in real time .

Sienaatavola.it, is a "Vademecum" for turist "Products of our region "

Sienaatavola.it is a point of reference for all the people that want to taste the excellent cuisine, here you can find uselful information about museum, and the major activieties of Siena.

Large space dedicated to the products of our region a real treasure to preserve,within the web portal you will find one section dedicated to every product with the relative information.

Section Become also You an advertiser of Sienaatavola
In Sienaatavola you can find interesting sections that help you to choose the locals that you need .Every month you can find a classification of the best locals in this area. Many importants locals and company choose Sienaatavola to promote their immage in internet. You can contact our telephone number 0577 280951 or compile our forum to have more information and become " One of Us "
Journey-Note …

In Sienaatavola you have the chance to visit the beautiful suburb and cities of Siena and province, to taste the tipical products and the best wines of our area.
I n Sienaatavaola you find also all the information to reach the locality with all the means of transport.
Farm Houses (Agriturismi)
Wine Cellars (Enoteche)
Typical Products
Interactive Tours
In this section you will have the possibility to carry out of the virtual visits of the more meaningful zones of the province of Siena.
Some useful maps of the province of Siena.
The forum of argument in order to leave just a message directly on the portale Sienaatavola.it and in order to discuss about varies arguments with the other customers and our Staff.
Let's vote your favourite Restaurant!
Special sections
Wedding in Tuscany
Our surveys
Restaurant of the month
Best Restaurants
The best Recipes

This picture comes from METEO FRANCE and has 4 daily refreshes






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